Thursday, October 5, 2017

Happy Holiday Party...Or Not!

Happy October and welcome to Lace and Confetti Events.

Today we're going to focus on a little bit broader of a subject instead of just weddings because with the holidays quickly approaching wedding season is ending but there is a HUGE demand for holiday parties.

Pinterest is a great tool to use to find inspiration for your party plans, but unfortunately it isn't always a possibility to execute them exactly as you see. You search Pinterest high and low, find a gorgeous venue only to find out it is in another state or you see dreamy floral arrangements but the cost is through the roof; that is where an event planner comes in. Although we aren't miracle workers that can move a building but we can suggest a venue that has many similarities nearby that you might not know about. We love Pinterest as much as the next person, but we know that it just a guideline for your dreams.

During the holiday season, you are already stressed out but you don't have to add planning a party to the list. You can always find an event planner who can help you out, whether for a large corporate holiday party or something smaller for your church or school gathering. When things are already overwhelming trying to coordinate so many things, why add additional stress when there is somebody who finds joy in doing the same task you're dreading?

Holiday and engagement parties are in full swing in the winter months but that doesn't mean your favorite event planner is too busy to make your dreams a reality.

If you have questions or concerns about your upcoming event or finding a local planner, please contact us today. Also, drop a comment down below of your Pinterest or Instagram so we can see what you're inspired most by!

Be sure to follow us on all of your favorite social media sites!

Tuesday, September 12, 2017

What EXACTLY Does a Wedding Planner Do?

Happy Tuesday!

Hope you had a lovely weekend full of wedding planning.

Today I answer the question we hear the most of in this business, "What EXACTLY does a wedding planner do?"


Honestly, there are so many different things that wedding and event planners do but I'll do my best to give you the general information today and provide you the tools to make an informed decision for your event.

Wedding Planner vs Event Planner:

This one seems to be the easiest to figure out but the main difference is...WEDDINGS! A wedding planner specializes in weddings where an event planner covers a broad category of events that could include weddings, birthday parties, or even a networking event for a company.

Wedding/Event Planner vs Wedding/Event Coordinator:

A wedding or event planner is in charge of putting together the pieces of your ideas to create the day you desire, but also keeps you on track for meeting certain goals (Order your dress today, send invitations by Friday, etc...) A coordinator is typically for the day of the event and makes sure the final details are in place and everything goes off without a hitch.

With the wonderful world of Pinterest you may be asking yourself "Why do I need a wedding planner?" The simple answer to that question is this, because wedding planning is overwhelming.

A planner may not be necessary for your needs, but I ALWAYS suggest at least getting a day of coordinator. Your wedding day is a very busy day, you have a lot of people who need something from you and inevitably something, even a tiny little thing, might go wrong. You should not have to worry about the table arrangements or the DJ being late, your only concern is getting down the aisle and saying "I Do."

While Pinterest is a great asset to decide what you would like your dream wedding to look like, it can't do everything that a wedding planner does for you. We're here to help you and make everything go as smoothly as possible.

Stay tuned for another post soon lovebirds!

Friday, August 18, 2017

Wedding Planning: Where to Start

Good Afternoon Beautiful Brides-To-Be

First, I want to apologize for the delay in posting this but I promise I will do my best to bring you content more often.


Wedding planning can feel a bit overwhelming when you first get engaged, everybody wants to give you advice. I'm sure you are probably feeling a bit confused about where to start; that's okay, we can help you out with that.

The most important piece of advice that I can give you is to trust your instincts and follow your dreams, don't agree to something just because it might make someone else happy. This is YOUR day, you deserve perfection. Mothers, sisters, friends are all great influences in your life, let them know you value their opinion but that the final decision is ultimately up to you and your fiance.

After you announce your big engagement, you'll always hear "When is the big day?" but you just got engaged like 2 minutes ago, you probably don't have a date set. It is perfectly fine to admit you don't have a date set yet BUT you do need to have a generalized idea for starting your wedding planning. Here's why:

SEASONAL: Wedding season starts when the temperature starts to rise, generally May through September you will see a higher price for vendors. This is definitely something to consider. Holidays will drive up the prices even more so (Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day etc...), this will be something to think about when choosing a date.

DAY OF WEEK: Weekends are going to be higher priced, but the most convenient. Keep in mind most people work Fridays until 6 usually and have to return to work Monday morning around 8 a.m. A weekday wedding might be much easier on the wallet.

The next important thing you need to figure out for wedding planning is your budget. Most couples are paying for their own nuptials these days, but you will want to find out how much you can comfortably afford and if there is another financial option (parents, church, or even a donation from a family member.) Budgets are kind of a tricky thing because you immediately think of the BIG things you need to save money for, sometimes overlooking smaller things such as tips for any vendors, alterations, or even stamps for your beautiful invitations! When you create a budget, decide what is the MOST important thing for your big day. The dress, photographs, the dinner and bar service? You want to be sure to set a realistic budget for each of the major needs, but this can feel a bit confusing.

One of the BEST investments you can make, is finding a wedding planner or day-of coordinator to help answer the questions you might have and make sure the day is exactly as you dreamed. You might think, "My budget is too tight, I can't afford that," however there are usually options that can fit any budget or need. Lace and Confetti can help find the right package for your needs.

Last but certainly not least, enjoy the process and have fun.

Be sure to follow us on Facebook, Instagram and Pinterest today!

Wednesday, August 2, 2017

Happy Wedding Wednesday!

Good evening lovelies!

Welcome to my newest adventure and true passion, Lace and Confetti Events. My name is Yakira and I am OBSESSED with weddings and all things love. I want to share a little about myself and the passion that goes into Lace and Confetti. I will do my best not to bore you and I promise there will be adorable pictures :)

As I mentioned, I am Yakira and my love for all things wedding started with planning my own wedding to the love of my life Andrew. 

Andy supported every crazy idea I had, every change I made and possibly even some bridezilla moments. Nonetheless, I found my happy place searching for new ideas on Pinterest. I found the perfect dress one day while scrolling and through some super sleuthing I found a local bridal shop that carried that particular dress (YES! Thank you Jesus for that small miracle.) When I walked in to try on the dress, I fell in love with the bridal shop and mentioned to the consultant how I would absolutely adore to work there. It must have been my lucky day because I was able to apply that day and then shortly after start training for junior consultant. In my time at this bridal shop, I was able to learn the ins and outs of bridal fashion as well as participate in wedding expos, private venue events and meet some amazing people.

My time at this job was cut short due to moving out of the area due to my husbands job but the job gave me the fire and passion that has led to this new career choice. I was able to decide on a destination wedding and I luckily married my best friend without a single worry or regret about my wedding day. 

I know that wedding planning isn't always a breeze but that is where Lace and Confetti Events can help. I want to make your day as perfect and enjoyable as mine was, therefore I am sharing my inspiration and real talk for the every day bride who is feeling a little overwhelmed.

Please feel free to contact me with any questions/suggestions you might have for your wedding planning needs. I promise to do my best to always bring you content you enjoy. 

Thanks for sticking it out if you're still around to read this.